How to Improve Your Child’s First Dental Visit?


It is generally recommended that your child be seen by a dentist by the age or one or within six months after his or her first tooth comes in. Usually, your child’s first dental visit will be short and involves very little treatment. This visit will give you child an opportunity to meet the dentist in a non-threatening and friendly way.

During the examination, some dentists may ask the parent to sit in the dental chair and hold their child. You may also be asked to wait in the reception area during part of the visit so as to establish the relationship between your child and the dentist. The dentist will check all of your child’s existing teeth for decay, look for any potential problems with jaw, gums and oral tissues and examine your child’s bite. If indicated, the dentist will clean any teeth and asses the need for fluoride. He/she will educate the parents about oral health care basics for children and discuss about the dental developmental issues and answer your questions.

Cure girl at dentist with mother, both learning about dental hygiene

We don’t know a lot of people who like to go to the dentist. Although for us it;s routine, but for your child it could be intimidating. There are many ways you can improve your child’s first dental visit and we are going to show you how!

Don’t make it a big deal

In order to improve your child’s first dental visit, try not to talk about the visit too many times since your child can start becoming suspicious and concerned about it. They could focus on the issue too heavily and become wary when they don’t have to by stressing out thinking it to be something which is really serious. Often, your child will pick up the stressful vibes from the adults and react to it.

Don’t be negative

Past should remain buried- even if you haven’t had any good experience with a dentist as a child, you don’t need to tell yours. Ensure that the person taking care of your child is a professional who make your child feel at ease.

Go when they’re young

The younger your child is, the better the possibility of them of not being afraid. They are more likely to go in without getting stressed or overly worried if you remain calm in front of them. If you want a dentist who works with children, you can use our services to find one.

Do not use bribery

Bribery could make your visit to the dentist seem like a chore as it make your child  seem like something they need to endure for a reward. It may give them negative connotations and in the future you’ll never escape the bribery. Go ahead with a positive attitude and make it a comfortable experience for all.

Use positive language

Try not to use any negative words since association to hurt, pain or discomfort before they even visit the dentist won’t do any good to improve your child’s first dental visit. They’ll become scared and worried. Keep it on a positive note and maybe mention how the dentist will help to keep their teeth strong and healthy.

Playing Dentist!

Sometimes playing with a child can leave more of a positive impact on them. Try to take them to doctors and nurses with their friends if your child likes playing. Try playing dentist with them to teach them the importance of their visit but in a fun way. They will use this imagination during the game and then later during their actual visit.

Don’t fuss

Do not fuss too much if your child get scared as it’s inevitable that some kids no matter what will worry during their first dental visit. However, acknowledging that worry and fussing over them will make them feel like it’s something to fuss about. Therefore calmly and kindly tell them it’s all fine and let the dentist use his training for working with your kid since it is all they need to get used to it.

As parent or a legal guardian accompanying your child for their first dental visit, it is important to ask about the complete health information concerning your kid. We hope this helps you to improve your child’s first dental visit and all go smoothly.



Cost of LASIK Eye Surgery & Can I Afford It?


Are you wondering about the cost of LASIK eye surgery or how LASIK cost will fit within your budget? The cost of LASIK depends on a number of factors including the surgeon, technology used for laser eye surgery procedure and your vision prescription. The LASIK cost if often quoted per eye therefore remember to double the number if you plan to have lser eye surgery for both eyes. In addition to financing the options for the laser eye surgery, there are many laser eye surgery options which fit your budgets.


Step by Step: How to Evaluate the Cost of LASIK Eye Surgery?

The average cost of LASIK eye surgery is between $1,500 & $2,500 per eye. It is significant to balance your comfort level with the LASIK specialist and their staff. Some major factors to evaluate the cost of LASIK eye surgery includes:

LASIK Surgeon

The experience of your LASIK surgeon makes a difference in your laser eye surgery costs. Some doctors who charge less may not have access to the latest laser technology. Your comfort level with the LASIK surgeon and their staff is so important and ideally it can strike the right balance between affordability and experience.

Vision Prescription

There are a variety of factors about vision prescription which may affect the LASIK cost which will be thoroughly discussed in your free consultation for the LASIK eye surgery.

Laser Eye Surgery Technology

While researching the cost of laser eye surgery, remember there are quite a few variants of LASIK and new technologies which are always emerging. Although the latest technologies have higher costs, it also has many benefits and the right procedure will depend on your unique needs and your LASIK specialists will help you to make best decision.


Cost of living has a vital role to play in LASIK cost therefore living in a large expensive city may lead to higher costs than living in an area with a lower cost of living. The overall cost of living for the state may also help to account for the cost of laser eye surgery.

Can I Afford LASIK? Payment Options Are Available

While planning your laser eye surgery budget, remember that the financial options which are available allow paying over the LASIK over time. Review your options for LASIK financing since it is similar to applying any other type of loan. Not all surgeons work with every financing company, therefore it helps finding a surgeon you like and then apply for financing.

On the other hand, you can set up a health savings account which will allow saving for the medical needs with a few added tax benefits which will lower the costs in the long run. At Indian Health Guru, to get your LASIK vision correction this is safe, easy and affordable. That is why hundreds and thousands of patients get their LASIK eye surgery in India for a better vision at the better value. Also there is no reason for waiting.

The cost of laser eye surgery reflects an elective procedure which is life changing and reduces the need for glasses and contacts for years. The money saved on related costs of Lasik eye surgery in India reflects only the part of the surgery’s value. However, many patients have found that they can do what they could not have done before LASIK including SCUBA dive, swim, off-the shelf sunglasses, travel without hassle and play freely with their children. Contact us to learn more about the cost of LASIK and the many payment options available.

Gallstones vs. kidney stones, common risk connection, treatment and prevention


Both gallstone and kidney stone can pose a risk to people having any of them inside their body. These may give the same kind of symptoms, which share common risk connection as well. Though they may appear same to some extent, yet happens to be very much different in their risks and the way of treating them. A gallstone is like a hard lump, which is formed inside the bile duct/gallbladder, while the bile comprises much of cholesterol/bilirubin forming the gallstone. On the other end, kidney stones are formed when you find insufficient amount of fluid inside our body, hence mineral deposits are seen getting formed together to make these stones.

Difference between gallstones and kidney stones

Gallstone can affect around 20% of women over age of 40 while only 8 percent of men are affected with it. The kidney stones are seen sending around thousand American adults every year to different hospitals. The kidney stones can be called as one of the painful experiences one can face; however, the gallstones can enter without any symptom for a number of years. When you find the symptoms occurring over gallstones, you can experience pain, which can be even both sudden and excruciating, however, these doesn’t often last long. The gallstones can contribute to issues like infection, which would demand for a treatment with antibiotics. However, for kidney stones, you may end up getting infection that can even cause blockage to urination.

What is gallstone and kidney stone?

As said gallstone is a hard lump formation, which is developed in the gallbladder or over the bile duct whereas kidney stones can be called as hard crystalline structures, which are formed inside the kidney or the urinary tract areas. All these stones are seen differing in their composition and position. The kidney stone patients are often the men wherein gallstone patients are generally the women. Both the kidney and gallstone are called as asymptomatic unless the stones are seen growing big size during which the patients are seen experiencing the excoriating pain.

Symptoms of Gallstone and Kidney stone

Although both the kidney stones and gallstones are seen hampering a number of organs but their symptoms are seen very much similar. They both share similar kind of symptoms, which are as under:

  • Nausea
  • Sweaty
  • Restless
  • Chilled
  • Feverish
  • Ribs pain
  • The shoulder blades pain

However, apart from these symptoms there are certain specific one for each of these, which include the following:

  • The kidney stone pain can be found in a form of waves rather than being constant
  • The kidney stones can lead to blood inside the urine
  • The gallstone can lead to issues like jaundice or the whites of your eyes and yellowed skin.

Causes of gallstone and kidney stone

For Gallstone, the causes include age, obesity, ethnicity, oral contraceptives, crash diets, high fat diet, hereditary and statin drug kidney. And the causes for kidney stone include dehydration, calcium supplements, obesity, hereditary age, hyperuricemia, digestive diseases, etc.

Treatment for gallstone and kidney stone

The treatment for gallstone:  You may not experience any symptom for the same; however, the patients with some symptoms would immediate need a surgery. Unlike in the kidney stone treatment, removing of the gallbladder is one of the most common options to get away with the gallstone claims the expert. Generally, the patients with gallstone are recommended with Laparoscopic cholecystecomy which helps in removing the gallbladder. With this surgery, you can get rid of the stones along with preserving the gallbladder; however, it is not the first option since you are not often seen producing the stones and luckily the gallbladder one can live with it without any hassle.

The treatment for kidney stones:  The small size stone can often pass away on their own. The patients however stick to the home drinking waters and liquid diet while considering the pain medication unless the stone is seen passed off. However, if you experience severe kind of pain, it can even block the urinary tract then you may need the procedure known as lithotripsy in order to remove the stone.


Both gallstone and kidney stone are no often a serious issue; however, these can be easily prevented with proper diet and other things. In case, if you still have these issues, there are several treatment options, which can help you to walk free from these ailments and their symptoms.


Couple triumphs over infertility though IVF


Years ago, Riya and her hubby Mr. Sumeil were trying to have a baby. However, a few months later, she was diagnosed iwth endometriosis which is the blocked fallopian tubes in which the tissue from the uterine lining extends outside the fallopian tubes and the neighbouring organs. Though it is not a severe condition, but it causes great pain and many side effects. This is also a common factor for diagnosing infertility in women.

Riya choose to undergo a surgery for curing endometriosis since she and her husband has being trying for a baby since 2010 and for four years, they have failed to start their family. Finally, having feeling frustrated and lost all hope and out of options she made an appointment at a clinic located in New Delhi. At the initial few visits, she learnt about the fertility issues she was facing.

As per Riya, “When I spoke to Dr. Rita Bakshi at first, she was very patient and understanding and confirmed that endometrosis being the main reason behind my inability to conceieve despite the surgery. She also explained me in detail about the odds to become pregnant through natural means being less for me hence gae a well defined treatment plan for me.”

From this point, her on-year treatment began and she was advised to undego In-vitro fertilization. Riya says, “It was a very pleasant experience and this didn’t make her feel uncomfortable in any way. I felt like Dr. Rita Bakshi is the best doctor for me and she was truly there to help me since she was very compassionate, supportive, motivating and understanding.”

IVF treatment for endometriosis

The team at IFC has decided Riya’s best chance for pregnancy with IVF which is a simple procedure involving fusion the the male parent’s sperm and the female parent’s eggs in a laboratory dish outside the human body and then transferring it to the female parent’s uterus. Riya says that “Dr. Riya Bakshi was helpful and wished me good luck. It was the little things which doctors, nurses and other staff did at the clinic that made my journey unforgettable.”

Patience, determination and success

A few months later, she had a successful pregnancy. Riya said, “It was fortunate we had a successful IVF in 2nd cycle itself. I feel that only Dr. Bakshi could have helped us win over endometriosis and help us to conceive.” Riya and Sumiel gave birth to a baby girl in June 2015.

What Should You Know About IVF?

IVF is a procedure in which the eggs from a woman’s ovary are removed and are fertilized with sperm in a laboratory procedure. Then the fertilized egg is returned to the woman’s uterus. It is one of the several assisted reproductive techniques used to help infertile couples to conceive a child. If even after a year of having sexual intercourse without using the birth control, a woman is unable to get pregnant then infertility is suspected.

IVF is one of the many possible methods for increasing the chances of an infertile couple to become pregnant. Its use depends on the reason for infertility and it may be an option if there is a blockage in the endometriosis or fallopian tube in the women or low sperm count or poor quality sperm in the man.

The other possible treatments for these conditions includes are surgery for the endometriosis and blocked tubes will be attempted before IVF. It will not work for woman who is incapable to ovulate or with a man who is not able to produce at least a few healthy sperm.

Closing Thoughts

My biggest piece of advice is just to relax. You should have faith and trust in your doctor and yourself so that you have to make your own future. Couples should try for pregnancy in the early childbearing age before it is too late.



The best dental implant surgeons in India


Everyone likes the dazzling smile; after all it remains eye catching with the array of flashing teeth. However, with factors like age and negligence, the teeth can lose its glimpse further changing the structure of our teeth and conditions of oral health damaging the facial features along with the loss of oral functions. It is therefore vital to replace all the missing teeth in order to maintain the facial aesthetics and occasional functional harmony. One of the best ways to fix these dental ailments is to opt for procedures like dental implants. These procedures help in giving the alternate to the lost natural tooth with similar quality and luster as seen in the natural ones. India in the recent times has progressed a lot catering high quality health care services and dental care is no exception. The country has one of the best dental clinics and hospitals, which offer high quality and affordable dental care calling global patients from all across the world.


What is Dental Implants and who should go for it?

The Dental implants can be called as the artificial tooth roots that cater a permanent base for replacement and fixed teeth. Now, if you compare it with procedures like dentures, the bridges or the crown, the dental implant procedures are among the popular and effective long term dental solutions for people that are suffering from the missing teeth along with having issues like the failed dental or chronic dental problems.  The reasons are very much inevitable as these fit and function like the natural teeth, and hence you can find the dental implants becoming the new treatment option for tooth replacement.

Key Highlights of Dental Implants in India

The dental implants in India have loads to canter when it comes to finding dental options abroad. The reasons are obvious you get access to the state-of-the-art, furnished with advanced equipment and well-equipped clinics. These clinics catering high quality dental implants get the procedures meeting the ISO and other quality agency specifications, which are ergonomically, designed as per the whims and fancies of the patients keeping in mind the comfort of the patient in mind. The all the global patients are assured to get the best of hospitals with great oral health care, which happens in a very non-stressful ambiance and thorough attention, keeping the hygiene and sanitation at par.

How to choose a Dental Implants surgeon in India?

Choosing a dental implant surgeon is not a rocket science. Well, all you need to do is to head for someone who has opted for a dental surgeon or clinic in India for the procedures like dental implant. In other words, you need to find the references in order to get the doctor of par performance and quality. Secondly, if nothing works, find out a reliable and professional medical tourism company in India, which will help you find the right dental implant surgeon for you.

Where to get the best hospital for Dental Implants in India?

There is no scarcity of top dental implant hospitals in India. In fact, all the major cities in India has the presence of top hospitals that cater high quality dental services, which render the best of the services that are hard to find out at any other place. India being the top dental treatment destination gives a long list of top hospitals catering in this domain.

What is the cost Dental Implants in India?

Talking about the cost of dental implants in India, it is very much inexpensive, as compared to the ones found in the countries like the US or any other developed nations in the west. The fact of the matter is dental implants in India can cost you in less than one tenth of the cost you need to pay in the US or UK dental clinics, which means you can include all the expenses in it to have it treated in nations like India.


What Causes Blurred Vision?


Though blurred vision can be called as the key symptom of the eye ailment but these are not the only thing, which can bring in the vision to blurry. This very issue can hamper one or both the eyes and thus it can occur rarely or too often. Either way, if you come across the vision to be blurry you need to contact your eye surgeon to fix things right. If you are struggling with this issue, it is always recommended to contact the doctor to get the eyes tested and come out with the treatment done on time and thus make things right. How about exploring the issue in the following paragraphs:

What Are the Symptoms of Hazy Vision?

In more of the cases, the blurred vision can be backed with additional amount of symptoms, which can be experienced in one or in the both eyes. There are often some of the other symptoms of hazy or blurred vision, which can be jotted down as under:

  • Photophobia (sensitivity to light)
  • Eye pain
  • Floaters or spots
  • Loss of peripheral vision
  • Discharge from eye
  • Loss of central vision
  • Itchy eyes
  • Dry eyes
  • Increased tear production
  • Poor near vision
  • Red bloodshot eyes
  • Poor night vision
  • Bleeding from eye

If you experience some of these symptoms it is often recommended to consider visiting the doctor to decide upon the course of action.

What Are the Causes of Hazy Vision?

As said above, the blurred vision can be called as the sign of an underlying problem. Of course, people who tend to forget to wear their prescribed corrective lenses end up experiencing the blurry vision, but it’s not often that happens to be simple.

Yet, the loss of vision like double vision, blurry vision or blindness, these can mean any number of things that range from the dry eyes/glaucoma and migraines which even include retinal detachments. The fact of the matter is there is a long list of a number of causes to blurry vision, how about checking them as under:

  • Refractive Eye Conditions that can lead to the need for corrective lenses or a new lens prescription
  • Myopia leading to Nearsightedness
  • Presbyopia that lead to diminishing ability to focus

The other eye conditions can include glaucoma, cataracts, or macular degeneration

  • Dry Eyes having the symptom of this syndrome
  • The migraines is seen experiencing blurry vision due to the onset ofmigraine
  • Cataracts making experiencing cloudy
  • The contact lenses that can lead to dirty or damaged contact lenses
  • Diabetes

When Do I Seek Medical Help for Hazy Vision?

When it comes to blurred vision, it is linked with number symptoms which are discussed above. Once you experience the symptoms it is often recommended to seek the help of healthcare professional. Also, if the medication is giving you the blurry vision, better avoid discontinuing or switching the medications before considering the eye doctor. If you are seen experiencing the eye pain along with the eye is seen red you need to call your eye doctor instantly. At the complete or partial blindness, even if it is temporary, it shouldn’t be ignored as it can be called medical emergency.

How Is Hazy Vision Diagnosed?

The hazy vision can be diagnosed in a number of ways, which include doing the same with the following tests:

  • Slit lamp examination
  • Refraction test
  • Tonometry

These tests help in finding out the ailment of blurred vision that tends to make things better.

How Is Hazy Vision Treated?

When it comes to treating the hazy vision, the treatment option can be carried out in various ways. These include medication and if things do not work one can opt for the surgery that ends up fixing the blurred vision.


Myomectomy—Laparoscopic Surgery in India

What is Myomectomy?

Myomectomy also called as fibroidectomy is the surgical procedure for removing the uterine leiomyomas or the fibroids. During this procedure, the uterus of the woman is preserved such that it retains her reproductive potential. The myomectomy can be performed in a number of ways depending upon the number of lesions and its location, the experience and preference of the surgeon.


A myomectomy can be performed in a number of ways, depending on the location and number of lesions and the experience and preference of the surgeon. Either a general or a spinal anesthesia is administered.

How does laparoscopic myomectomy work?

The laparoscopic myomectomy is a minimally invasive procedure in which your surgeon will access and remove the fibroids. During this procedure, the patient will be given a general or a spinal anesthesia. Your surgeon will create several small incisions in the abdomen near the belly button. Then he will insert a laparoscope, which is a narrow tube fitted with a camera through the small incision. Your surgeon will perform the surgery  by inserting the medical instruments through the smaller incisions made in the abdomen.

The laparoscopic surgery uses smaller incisions than a laparotomy. This signifies you’ll be experiencing less pain and lose less blood. Patients can return more quickly to their normal activities after undergoing this surgery. The number of fibroids and the uterine size are the major factors that will help your surgeon to determine whether the laparoscopic myomectomy is appropriate for you.

Using the laparoscopic approach, the surgeon will visualize the location of the uterus and its fibroids and then remove it. The morcellators are used to divide the larger fibroids such that they can be removed through the small incisions. This surgical approach has lower morbidity rates and requires less time for recovery. The laparocopic myomectomies are not used for removing very large fibroids.

Advantages of laparoscopic myomectomy:

  1. The laparoscopic myomectomy has lower morbidity rates.
  2. Patients undergoing this surgery will recover faster.
  3. Women who undergo this surgery report of improvement in fibroid symptoms like pelvic pressure and heavy menstrual bleeding.
  4. This surgery will only remove the fibroids and leave your uterus intact.
  5. Undergoing this surgery will allow women who are planning to bear children.
  6. This surgery will be recommended by your doctor when he suspects that the uterine fibroids may be interfering with your fertility.

Risks of myomectomy:

Myomectomy has a lower complication rate, but some of the risks associated with it include scar tissue, excessive blood loss, childbirth complications and a rare possibility of hysterectomy.

What to expect post laparoscopic myomectomy surgery?

Post myomectomy surgery your doctor will prescribe oral pain medication and discuss the restrictions on your diet and other activities. Your doctor will also advise you to avoid sexual intercourse during the recovery time. Some women may have vaginal spotting or staining up to a few days. The laparocopic myomectomy recovery will take about two to three weeks.

Myomectomy laparoscopic surgery in India is cost effective and performed by highly qualified and experienced professionals. The hospitals in India have world class infrastructures and have modern equipments, thereby provide quality treatment and care for the international patients.


Get The Facts About Gastrectomy


The procedure of Gastrectomy also called as an antrectomy is a surgical procedure, which deals with the removal, of a certain portion of your stomach called antrum. This portion of antrum is at the lower third of your stomach, which is found in between the stomach, body and the pyloric canal. This further goes to empty the stuff over the small intestine. Of late, the problem of obesity has been bugging lot many people who opt for various options including the surgical procedure called Gastrectomy. Now, let’s dig in deep in this issue to get the crux of the same.

Why You May Need a Gastrectomy

Obviously to get rid of the obesity, if all the other options fail, one has to consider this procedure, which further helps in fixing the following conditions or risks:

  • Cancer in Stomach
  • Gastric ulcer bleeding
  • Stomach wall perforation
  • Noncancerous Polyps

Gastrectomy simply helps in treating a number of stomach issues, which cannot be achieved with other treatment options. In this way, when your surgeon suggest this process, he or she will also help you in treating issues like benign tumours, bleeding, inflammation, ulcers, and perorations inside the stomach wall.

How to Prepare for Gastrectomy

When it comes to opting for this surgery for fixing your obesity issue, you are supposed to prepare a lot for the same. So, before choosing the Gastrectomy, the patients are supposed to go through a number of tests including the X rays, Computed Tomography (CT) scans, endoscopic biopsies, and microscopic examination, which help in confirming the presence of any ulcer of tumour inside your body. These are important because with obesity comes all these issues, which are important to check before the surgery and thus get a perfect roadmap for the same. Laparoscopy can be carried out in order to diagnose the real issues. Thus all these tests are important parts of the preparation, which will help the doctor to take a perfect road to the surgery of Gastrectomy.

Types of Gastrectomy

When it comes to Gastrectomy, this particular type of surgery for overweight are found with different types, however, you can find three major types of this procedure, which are enlisted as under, let’s check them out as under:

1) Partial Gastrectomy: In this surgical procedure, your surgeon is seen removing the lower half of your stomach. If cancer cells are seen present in the same, your surgeon would then end up removing the closed one lumps nodes. In this surgery, you would find the duodenum closing off, while the remaining portion of your stomach can help in bringing down the things along connecting to the bowel inside your body. The duodenum is known as the first part inside your stomach, which are directed as required in order to get an obesity free life.

2) Complete Gastrectomy: This procedure is also known as Total Gastrectomy, which simply helps in removing the stomach that in turn help in getting an obesity free life. Your surgeon will then help you in connecting your esophagus directly to the small intestine inside your body. Make a note that the esophagus usually is seen connecting your throat with your stomach, which is managed using the procedure giving a care free life without any issue.

3) Sleeve Gastrectomy: The last type of Gastrectomy is Sleeve Gastrectomy, wherein the surgeon removes three quarter of your stomach thus making you free from the obesity issue. Once the surgeon does that he or she simply pulls of the remaining amount of fat followed by stitching the area. With this procedure, you end up creating a smaller and obesity stomach for the patient.

Bottom line

In a long list of surgical procedures for obesity, Gastrectomy can help you in making you free from Gastrectomy. You would be able to retain the result only when you abide by the surgeon’s instruction, which include eating small size meals, avoid the high fibre meals and lastly consume food that are rich in iron, vitamins and calcium.

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