
Maxillofacial surgery

The branch of maxillofacial surgery is surgical treatment involving diagnosis, and treatment with medication and operations. The surgery treats conditions related to mouth, neck, jaws and face. This also look over disorders like neck cancers, salivary gland diseases, facial disproportion, facial pain, impacted teeth, cysts and jaw tumors also with other disorders of the oral mucosa such as mouth ulcers and infections.

Root canal surgery

Root canal treatment is the elimination of the tooth’s pulp, a little, string like tissue in the midpoint of the tooth.  Damaged or infected or dead mash is eliminated, the remaining area is cleaned, molded and filled. This strategy closes the root canal. A long time back, teeth with unhealthy or damaged pulps were uprooted. Today, root canal treatment spares numerous teeth that would somehow be lost.

The most widely recognized reasons for pulp harm or pulp deaths are:

  • A split tooth
  • A profound cavity deep inside tooth
  • Damage to a tooth, for example, a serious thump to the tooth, either late or before.

When the pulp is contaminated or dead, and if left untreated, formation of pus is observed at the root tip in the jawbone, shaping a sore. An abscess can pulverize the bone encompassing the tooth and resulting in chronic pain.

Tooth extraction

It is the process of properly eliminating tooth from bone socket and technically termed as tooth extraction.

It is used for an extremely damaged tooth. After the dentist has followed all other treatment procedure and when it is not possible to treat the diseased tooth, tooth extraction is the only way out. Other than decaying of tooth, reasons to extract tooth are, overcrowded mouth, gum disorder, infections and risks of infections.

There are two types of procedure

  1. A simple extraction
  2. Surgical extraction of tooth damaged with gum lining and more complex.

Dental implants

Dental implant is a human made tooth root that is set into your jaw to hold a substitution tooth or scaffold. Dental implants may be a possibility for individuals who have lost a tooth or teeth because of periodontal illness, damage, or some other reason. The types of dental implants are Endosteal (in the bone) and other is Subperiosteal (on the bone).

This can be done to replace a single tooth, several teeth, all of the teeth.

TMJ disorder

Temporomandibular Joint Disorders commonly called as TMJ disorder. Temporomandibular joint and muscle disorder is a gathering of conditions that cause torment and break in the jaw joint and the muscles that control jaw development. The cause of the disease is unknown but it will lead to discomforts causing headache, grind their teeth, pain in and around the ear, trouble in chewing or discomfort while eating and facial pain. This is treated by medications, several therapies are known and surgical procedures are also known.  Other techniques to treat the TMJ disorder are Injections and Arthrocentesis. Medications include muscle relaxers, sedatives etc.

Facial/jaw injury

An injury on jaw bone causes discomfort in normal living and also sometime goes worse if left untreated.

The symptoms of jaw injury is pain, mismatching of teeth, it will not fit properly, jaw makes problem in opening and closing, trouble in speaking, mouth bleeds, swelling, ear canal gets damaged in higher degree f injury, also the area under tongue gets bruising on it.

If wounds are open, dressing is required. The condition has to be taken seriously, if the medication is not enough to get heal, surgery is answer to patient’s condition which is followed with a team of orthopedic and orthodontic surgeons under anesthesia.

All the treatments are according to patient’s condition which will be accurately guided by specialist. The patients also need to take proper routine care after surgeries and treatment procedures to have healthy mouth.

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